
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Money Saving Tips: Shopping trip edition

  1. Take cash.  I went into the weekend with a certain amount of cash to spend and a piece of paper listing how much of the cash was allocated for food and for spending. 
  2. Have an idea of what you are shopping for/need.  I knew I wanted a few new candles from Bath and Body works.  I also know how much of a weakness Victoria’s Secret/Pink is and just happened to have a $45 rewards card to take along.  I used a coupon for my candles and my rewards card to save at both stores.
  3. Evaluate each item you contemplate purchasing with questions like “Do I actually have somewhere to put this?”  “Do I really want to have to dust this thing?”  “Do I LOVE it enough to spend X dollars on it?”  “Will it end up in my closet only to be in the donate pile in a year?”  Most of those questions were answered with a resounding no...or yes for the last question. 
  4. Use your shopping partner to help you.  For example, I held up a shirt and said “Is this worth $15?”  The answer was usually no.  I was also the one offering up the same for her saying “You don’t need it” or “You have something just like that at home.” 
  5. Make a mental note of something you are thinking of purchasing and come back to it later if you still want it.  The kid did this with something she wanted and she ended up making the trip back to the store to make the purchase after searching for similar items elsewhere.  I picked up a few things I liked, put it back, and forgot all about them.  So obviously it wasn’t anything I needed that badly!   
In the past I have used shopping trips/weekend trips as an excuse to go crazy with purchasing things.  This time was much different and it felt good to come home with only things I knew I had really wanted.  We even went to Target and walked out with NOTHING.  I hadn’t been to Target in six months.  To walk out with nothing was a huge deal.  Target is a big temptation for me.  I guess staying out of it for six months has gotten me used to not buying anything there.  I even talked myself out of a dollar item at the dollar spot.  Even a dollar item isn’t a good deal if you don’t really need it! 


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Tunnel to Towers 5k-a new must

Today was the Tunnel to Towers 5k in Jeff City.  This was the first year it was held and I think it was a great race!  The weather was great!  Cool temps and no sun blazing down on everyone.  I had a bit of a headache and didn't sleep well and had almost talked myself out of going but once I got up and got moving I knew I would kick myself if I skipped it.  So off to Jeff City I went.  And I'm so glad I did.  This 5k will be one I do yearly now.  
After picking up my t-shirt and race bib I walked up to the State Capitol building where the race started and suddenly was reminded how hilly of a town I was in.  Then I came to the top of the hill and was greeted by the huge flag and started getting excited for the run.
They had a section of signs for the fallen heroes of 9/11.  The Fire Chief spoke about how he had gone to New York and ran in the original Tunnel to Towers 5k.  I thought this run was awesome...I can't imagine what it would be like to run through the tunnel in New York and see signs for almost 3,000 fallen.  It would be powerful.
The firefighters were running this race in full gear today.  Some ran in their boots and some switched to tennis shoes.
I accidentally took this photo and didn't realize I had until I was looking through my photos later.  Even though I didn't mean to take a photo of the fireman's feet, I really liked it.
Jeff City FD all in gear ready to go.  The fastest FD was going to win a traveling trophy, a hand carved ax out of wood.  I'm a little biased towards these guys because they put on the Hotter than Hell 5k every year, which is one of my favorite 5ks, so of course I was cheering for them to win.
South Callaway FD-they won the largest participating FD.  I loved that the dog joined in too.
Listening to the speakers while waiting to start the run.  You can see he is in full gear complete with his tank.
There were 170 runners including the first responders.  They needed 200 runners to close streets so we had to watch for cars but we did have police escorts.
A photo of 2 firemen coming up to the finish.  The uphill finish was brutal.
This officer ran in the race and finished shortly after me.  He did awesome.
The crowd in this run was so supportive it floored me.  A girl in front of me kept turning around and at first I thought she was looking for someone...then she started yelling back at me and clapping "You got this!" or "Keep it up!"  The man in the photo above was behind me.  I passed him going down a hill at one point and stayed just slightly in front of him.  The hills in Jeff City are brutal.  The way up is killer but I can fly down the other side.  So after I passed him flying down and we hit the next hill I slowed and heard "Come on, head down, pump your arms harder we got this!"  I thought "well I don't know who he is talking to because he appeared to be alone but I'm going to pretend he's talking to me" and his encouragement really powered me up that hill.  The next hill came around and I hear "Ok let's go, this is the last big hill.  Head down and keep going."  This is when I realize he is actually talking to me.  This man combined with the girl in front of me gave me such a boost it's like I felt no pain.  It was awesome.  I eventually caught up to the girl and she had started walking.  We gave each other some encouragement and I passed her for a brief time then she caught up with me as we came up to the uphill finish and she says "We got it let's finish uphill together."  I said "Let's go" and we ran after the finish line.  She finished just ahead of me and we gave each other the "great jobs" and each grabbed a water and I went off to thank the hill coach.  The thing was I wasn't even sure who it was but I had a pretty good idea.  I couldn't not thank him so I went up and said "Were you, by chance, behind me helping me get up those hills?  I didn't know if you were talking to me or not but I needed it."  He said "That was me and I was talking to myself and whoever was in front of me.  You were in front of me."  I told him thanks for the push.  I wish I could be that person for other people...maybe one of these days I'll be the hill coach for someone.
I stayed to cheer on the firemen crossing the finish line.  Jeff City FD finished in 44 minutes and won fastest FD.  Considering the hilly course that is impressive.  I thought one of them was possibly going to throw up but he held it together.  The experience of running with them to start was awesome.  The guy sitting on the curb even carried an ax.
Another firemen helping one of the guys get his gear off.
They wasted no time getting out of gear at the end.  Who can blame would be pretty hot in all that.
This race had a different feel in a good way.  I ran it like a race but it was more about people.  It wasn't officially timed, although there was a time clock and I timed myself.  I finished at 29:49 which I was pleasantly surprised with considering the course.  I was also surprised at how good I felt.  I really think it was all due to the atmosphere and the girl and guy who, although didn't know me at all, came together and helped me out.  A fitting feeling to walk away from this race with.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Recent Faves...edibles edition

I am trying to be strategic in my grocery shopping lately and buy both somewhat healthy items that are also tasty.  So I thought I would share what I am loving lately.  
 I am loving combining turkey sausage with Laughing Cow cheese.  I just heat up the meat in a skillet and have added mustard and onion and a wedge or two of the Laughing Cow.
 I have become obsessed with Greek Yogurt.  No particular brand really...I will usually buy what is on sale.  This week Yoplait was 77 cents and I had a coupon so it made them 67 cents each which is a steal.  Most of the time the Greek Yogurts are a dollar each so anything less than that and I'm happy!
 I like to eat the Greek Yogurt as is but I have been combining them in my protein shakes each morning to add more flavor to the shake.  I can't be without almond coconut milk and frozen strawberries to include in my shake with the yogurt and protein powder.
 I have seriously grown to love sweet potatoes.  Wal-Mart sells this bag of 6 to 7 petite sweet potatoes for around 2.50.  That is a great deal.

 Every time I am in Gerbes I have to pick up this dark chocolate bar with Cranberry, Citrus, and Honey.  It is amazing.  I don't love many dark chocolates but this one is soooo good.
 I discovered this in Hyvee and almost jumped for joy in the aisle!  The Blueberry and Cream oatmeal has always been my favorite out of the fruit variety box and I always wanted them to make a box of just this flavor.  I finally discovered it!  A wish come true.
I didn't open this very well so I tore half the label...but this is BCAA's from BPI Sports in fruit punch.  Most BCAA's are in watermelon flavor or blue raspberry...and I despise watermelon flavored things.  The other ones I have tried have been awful.  So when I found a fruit punch flavor I was hesitantly optimistic.  I was super excited when I actually liked the flavor!  BCAA's are great to drink before, during, or after a workout to aid in muscle recovery and decrease fatigue and soreness.  I always choked down the gross BCAA's so I'm happy to have some that I don't have to chug.

Those are my most recent edible faves!  On another note I'm excited for fall weather!  I am over the summer heat for sure.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Guest Room and Workout Room

I wasted no time in starting the decluttering process after college life started for the kid.  I had a good full day dedicated to cleaning out what she left for me in her room and turning it into a guest room.  I didn't think to take a before photo...but just imagine this room covered in random bits and bobs of trash, Capri Sun juice packets, cotton balls, used make up, a sock, crayons, comic books, pillow cases...I could go on.  I filled up probably 2 garbage bags.  

I've had this rug FOREVER because, not thinking, I saw it and had to have it without realizing I had nowhere to actually use it.  So it's been rolled up in a closet...only to be used when I had to have an emergency carpet when Magnus would get stuck on the tile floor and couldn't get up.  Oh the sweat that went into that ordeal...sliding the rug under him...anyways...I finally have a place for it.  Lesson learned...only buy things when you have a place for them.  Bonus for me it came in handy and two years later I have a place to use it.
So I put down the rug (which is conveniently covering A LOT of floor stains that SOMEONE left me), hung the glass shelf, moved this chair from the workout room into this room, and put new bedding on the bed.  Also, I dusted eight years worth of dust and dog hair off this white ceiling fan.  Fun times.
I put up some new wall art.  Well, new to this room.  It came from other areas of the house.
And transformed the closet into something you could actually walk into as it is meant to be.  The kid's old nightstand came in handy to just move into the closet as a shelf since she didn't want to take it with her.  I've had the ab roller thing for years and it takes up too much room but I really like it.  So the closet makes a nice storage spot for it.  I was able to move my tank tops and business jackets from my closet to this one and make my own closet less clustered.  I'm trying to go as minimalist as possible...however I've got a long ways to go yet.
The before photo of the workout room...I can barely breathe looking at it  SO clustered.  A lot of the stuff on the side was kind of shoved in there waiting for the kid to move to take with her, or to take to donate.  But ugh, I don't like clutter.  So I was happy to tackle this mess.
More before...this is the chair that was moved into the guest room.
And the current after.  I need to get the mirrors hung up yet.
I bought the floor from Amazon and it is one of those foamy puzzle type floors that you put together.  It's not perfect in person but it works and looks good.  The dog gets weirded out by it.
I bought the dumbbell rack from Amazon as well and the mini fridge from Target.  Totally don't "need" a mini fridge but I thought it was fun to have.  The three erase boards have different workouts written on them.  Two mirrors will be hung where the two white boards are currently on the wall.  So those will come down and go elsewhere.  Eventually I'll add weights to the rack but I have what I need to use for now.
The weight bench and hyperextension bench are also from Amazon.  The hyperextension is one of my favorite things to do at the gym and this one was a super good deal.  It doesn't look like much but can be great for glutes.
The treadmill I've had for years and love.  I've spent much more time in this room since fixing it up and adding the bench to it.  I love being able to not rush through a workout at the gym because I want to get home.  Also, there are some moves that are just more comfortable to do at home than the gym.  I save the gym for the things I can't do at home...mostly leg exercises.

It's nice to not mind going upstairs now!  Before I avoided it because it was always a mess.  The kid was over this weekend and said "I'm sorry I didn't appreciate how clean you were before.  I get it now after living with roommates."  Mmmhmm...welcome to my world kid.