
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I have a lot of pictures to post, however, I am now a converted iPhone user.  As such, I have no idea how to get my pictures on the blog.  There is something about adding a Google Plus app in order to add the pictures.  I don't know but a lot of you won't be surprised to know this is a struggle for me.

So basically to sum up what I've been up to: 

-Today I ran the Turkey Trax 5k.  It was cold.  It was fun.  It is always a good time.

-Just got back from a fun trip to Nashville with Lisa and friends.  Good times were had by all.  Some will be remembered, some maybe not so much. 

-Considering a bathroom remodel. 

-Other than that, work, gym, eat, work, gym, eat. 

-Once I figure out my iPhone I will post pics I promise!  Sorry for the quiet blog time lately!