
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017

Here we are at the end of 2017 already!  I hope everyone has had a good Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.  

I've been staying busy with work, working out, and hanging out with my dog and the visiting grand-pup Carrie. 
She is a lot of fun and gets along really well with Jazzie.  She has taken up wearing sweaters now that it is freezing outside.  She makes herself right at home at my house. 
I am happy to be on a team that believes in office pranks.  Our boss discovered what happens when he decides to take a week off! 

I am still giving some thought to my 2018 goals.  I usually have them all lined up by now.  2017 ended up being a good year with a new job, new flooring, a half-marathon PR, and new workout goals started and continuing. 

In 2018 I am looking forward to a fun vacation and remodeling my bathroom shower, as well as stepping outside of my comfort zone with fitness goals and have fun while doing it.  I want to relax more, not get worked up about the little things and be more mindful and in the moment (I think this is a constant goal). 

"Doing anything with intent and purpose will always come out better than going through the motions."  - Marie Purvis

Bring on 2018!