
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017

Here we are at the end of 2017 already!  I hope everyone has had a good Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.  

I've been staying busy with work, working out, and hanging out with my dog and the visiting grand-pup Carrie. 
She is a lot of fun and gets along really well with Jazzie.  She has taken up wearing sweaters now that it is freezing outside.  She makes herself right at home at my house. 
I am happy to be on a team that believes in office pranks.  Our boss discovered what happens when he decides to take a week off! 

I am still giving some thought to my 2018 goals.  I usually have them all lined up by now.  2017 ended up being a good year with a new job, new flooring, a half-marathon PR, and new workout goals started and continuing. 

In 2018 I am looking forward to a fun vacation and remodeling my bathroom shower, as well as stepping outside of my comfort zone with fitness goals and have fun while doing it.  I want to relax more, not get worked up about the little things and be more mindful and in the moment (I think this is a constant goal). 

"Doing anything with intent and purpose will always come out better than going through the motions."  - Marie Purvis

Bring on 2018! 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I have a lot of pictures to post, however, I am now a converted iPhone user.  As such, I have no idea how to get my pictures on the blog.  There is something about adding a Google Plus app in order to add the pictures.  I don't know but a lot of you won't be surprised to know this is a struggle for me.

So basically to sum up what I've been up to: 

-Today I ran the Turkey Trax 5k.  It was cold.  It was fun.  It is always a good time.

-Just got back from a fun trip to Nashville with Lisa and friends.  Good times were had by all.  Some will be remembered, some maybe not so much. 

-Considering a bathroom remodel. 

-Other than that, work, gym, eat, work, gym, eat. 

-Once I figure out my iPhone I will post pics I promise!  Sorry for the quiet blog time lately!

Monday, October 16, 2017

How running helps me overcome self doubt

I have been really struggling with self doubt lately.  Badly.  I took on a new goal and things that I've thought daily include:  "What the hell was I thinking?"  "Why did I think I could do this?"  "Why am I doing this to myself?"  "What if this doesn't work?"  "I'm going to have to buy new pants!"  

This has gone on for weeks.  I've put in the daily work towards my goal but all the while my head has been contradicting my actions.  This weekend it hit me that I had these exact same thoughts when I started running.  "Why would I think it is a good idea to sign up for a 5k?"  "How on earth can I run 3.1 miles if I can't even run 1 mile?"  "Who thinks running is fun, it isn't fun!?"  "What if I'm not good enough?"  

Since my first 5k I've finished dozens of other 5ks and 4 half marathons.  I didn't go out there to win the race.  I just went out there to prove to myself I could do it.  Ever since then I've been competing with myself to get better.  And I've had thoughts about whether or not I could improve on my times but never have I doubted if I could finish a race.  Self doubt doesn't plague me like it did before that first 5k.  Not to mention, running became fun!  

So after this brilliant insight hit me this weekend I realized this new goal of mine is just like signing up for my first 5k.  I was/am scared of what it takes to get there and it is overwhelming, however,  I know I can achieve my goals so why let self doubt waste my time.  

I'm re-reading the book Relentless by Tim Grover.  He has so many motivating gems in it that I grabbed a notebook and started making notes so I can refer to it when doubt starts to creep in.  A few of my favorite things Tim points out:

-Patience is the hardest part of any goal.

-If we're talking about being elite, if you want to be unstoppable, you have to learn to put aside everything you've been taught, all the restrictions and limitations, the negativity and doubt.  You have to stop thinking.  

-There's a certain fulfillment that comes from testing your own limits instead of stopping where others claim you are capable of reaching.

-Never let others standards define your own.  

-You have to play the last game of the season with the same intensity as you played the first.  

I think I have mentioned this book before but if you like no BS motivation this book is full of it (no pun intended?).  I  have this book so highlighted and underlined it is like a textbook.

So overall what I learned-I let myself feel the doubts, think about them and then realized I have had doubts like these before and running showed me I can conquer them and do hard things.  One of my running mantras is actually "I can do hard things."  When I start to face doubts during an actual run it reminds me I've done harder things than what I'm doing in that moment.  Whether in life or running up a hill so long and steep I'm cursing my decision to sign up for that run and questioning again who runs for fun, the doubts go out as fast as they come in.  So new goal, same doubts, and I know it'll be the same outcome.  I can do hard things.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Mo Cowbell Half Marathon and some new food favorites

The Mo Cowbell Half Marathon was this past weekend and it was a blast.  My time was 2:09 which was a personal record...only by 2 minutes but a new PR is always fun.  The course was awesome with the views and a lot of supporters outside with signs or ringing their cowbells.  The race was fun as well as staying at the casino for the weekend and just enjoying time with friends.

The race had a great expo and fun post-race goodies.  I would definitely do this one again.
I have several new recent food favorites.  This Source cookie dough protein bar is the best protein bar I've ever had.  It's pretty much the only one I'll eat now.
This Bang energy drink in cotton candy is like a treat.  It tastes just like cotton candy.  I've tried several of the flavors and so far this is definitely my favorite.  It has caffeine, BCAAs, and creatine so lots of good stuff.
I've also found the best protein powder I've ever tried.  It's peanut butter banana flavored and with a frozen banana it is basically a banana milkshake.  Plus it's low in sugar and carbs and still tastes awesome.
This peanut butter.  Just buy it.  It's ah-mazing.
Spicy brown mustard has been my favorite thing ever lately.  I put it on everything I can.
I found these waffles at Hy-Vee and they caught my attention with the 10 grams of protein.  Loved them.
And lastly...sweet potatoes.  I typically eat one a day.  I think I'm addicted.

I feel like I haven't blogged in awhile.  I've pretty much been at the gym, catching up with friends, and trying to get some sleep.  I'm trying to add muscle right now and little did I know how much time that takes...both in the gym and prepping food.  It's working but it has been a challenge for sure.

I'm excited for an upcoming trip to Bloomington and the ISU Town and Gown 5k next!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances

Glenda passed along a book she just finished reading.  It is a quick read, about 20 mins.  It is mostly a bunch of illustrations and written almost in a comic book form.  The end of the book has a section called "A lazy cartoonist's guide to becoming a runner."  I thought I'd share the guide's tips to becoming a runner.

1.  Shut up and run.
     -You'll never run out of reasons to take it easy.  Just put on your shoes and get outside.  A 20 minute workout is 1.3% of the 1,444 minutes in a day.

2.  Don't try to change a bunch of habits at once.
     -Change one habit at a time otherwise you're just setting yourself up for failure.

3.  Remember, running sucks in the beginning.
     -If you've never run farther than a mile, understandably  you likely hate running.  Running sucks in the beginning.  But it doesn't stay that way.  It's a front-loaded chore.  Starting out your body fights you, you just have to keep going.  Win the argument against your body.  After that, you're free.

4.  Run outside.
     -If you want to hate running, use a treadmill.  Minimize boredom by running outside.

5.  Sign up for an event.
     -We often train alone-our only companion a bottomless well of sweat, pain, and introspection.   But on race day all that changes.  It is a collective release of hours of solitary tedium taking the form of a massive crowd of strangers.

6.  Don't think ahead.
     -Be present.  Running will hurt.  You do have to get used to it.  The pain diminishes but there's always a certain degree of suffering.  Own this and try not to live in the future.  Possess your circumstances whether they're terrible, wonderful, or somewhere in between.

7.  Become a drug addict.
     -Choose to be a different kind of drug addict.  Choose to be a runner.  Running is an addiction, both chemically and spiritually.  There are euphoric highs, terrible lows, and the constant desire to squeeze in a "quick run" in order to feel whole.  "It's like being able to smoke crack every day, but instead of getting strung out and arrested you get bananas and compliments."

8.  Hurt yourself today.
     -Life...sometimes good things happen and sometimes bad things happen and I'm not in control.  But when I run, I control the hurt.  It's a form of hurt I can possess.  Runners aren't impervious to pain, we're just better at choosing what kind of pain we have to feel.  And when I run, that's exactly what I'm doing.  I'm asserting control over the uncontrollable.

Overall, a fun and quick read.  I wouldn't necessarily buy the book but it is a good one to check out from the library or borrow.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Current Favorites

I have a ton of new favorites that I've recently discovered!  
I've been drinking this Superfood drink from Nerium daily.  It is called Youth Factor and has all kinds of vitamins and minerals in it.  I have felt better since I started drinking it and haven't had any energy lags throughout the day.  I take the supplement that goes with it.
Advocare released a new protein supplement.  It is meant for post-workout.  I don't find many proteins I actually like but this one is very tasty!  I like the chocolate flavor but also have the cinnamon.
I think I've had this in my favorites before but I'm still obsessed with this Green Dragon hot sauce from Trader Joe's.
I didn't think I'd like this Spicy Brown Mustard from Wal-Mart but I love it!'s $1.00.  $1.00.
Sweet potatoes.  Can't go wrong.  Love.
A friend bought me this Hydrojug as a belated birthday gift and I love it.  It is 73 oz. so a little over a half gallon.  Two of these a day makes sure I get in a gallon of water.
These new gym shoes.  I found these Nikes at Academy Sports on sale for $60 and I love them for the gym.  My goal is to keep them clean because they are so pretty.
Also purchased at Academy were these weight lifting gloves.  These are perfect because they have wrist support.  I found out I have torn cartilage in my wrist so that is the cause of my wrist pain.  There aren't a ton of options to fix it but these gloves help stabilize my wrist during workouts and minimize supination.

I found these bracelets on Etsy by Healing Atlas.  I love these.  The black onyx is supposed to promote protection, self-discipline and health.  The pink quartz induces love and reduces tension and grief.  I wear them with my Garmin watch and really like the look.

My favorites aren't all food this time!  

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Recent reads

Recently finished up a few more books.  Born to Run was a great, interesting read about a tribe of super fast runners in Mexico.  The best part of running books for me are the little tidbits that are just "ah ha" moments.  Those things I already know but when put into words it all just clicks.  Or life wisdom compared to running.  

One of my favorite "ah ha" moments in Born to Run was an ultra runner talking about dealing with pain.  She calls it the Beast.  She talks about the Beast saying "I actually look forward to the Beast showing up, because every time he does, I handle him better.  I get him more under control."  The author goes on to talk about how you can't hate the Beast and expect to beat it.  "The only way to truly conquer something, as every great philosopher and geneticist will tell you, is to love it."  

There are many good parts to this book but that is one that stuck out to me.   Also, I should probably try to add some chia seeds to my diet.  

I just finished an audio book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.  Audio books have replaced my Sirius radio and I take advantage of the Overdrive app to listen to them free from the library.  This was a great book talking in detail about these 13 things that mentally strong people don't do: 
1.  They don't waste time feeling sorry for themselves
2.  They don't give away their power
3.  They don't shy away from change
4.  They don't focus on things they can't control
5.  They don't worry about pleasing everyone
6.  They don't fear taking calculated risks
7.  They don't dwell on the past
8.  They don't make the same mistakes over and over
9.  They don't resent other people's success
10.  They don't give up after the first failure
11.  They don't fear alone time
12.  They don't feel the world owes them anything
13.  They don't expect immediate results  

This was a relatively short audio book and definitely worth the listen.  Great reminders...for me #2, 4 and 5 especially.   

Can't stop reading lately.  Trying to stay off social media for the most part and read as much as possible instead!  Otherwise I've been wrapped up with studying for my licensing at work (2 tests down, 1 more to go) and trying to stay cool while running in the heat.  Spent the day at the pool yesterday after unsuccessfully staying cool while running.  However, still had a good run!  And a good day at the pool...with plenty of sunscreen!  

Sunday, July 9, 2017

A few favorites and product empties

It has been a whirlwind since April.  Mostly because of my new job.  Which is a new favorite.  I'm totally loving my new job.  Learning a lot and getting to do some cool stuff like welding!  

I went on my first float trip a few weekends ago.  I feel like a real Missourian now.  These water shoes were definitely a favorite.  Also, bug spray.  I came home tick free.  It was a fun float trip.  Definitely stepping outside of my comfort zone.  I am not a camper.
I have a few months worth of product empties saved up.  A ton of different supplements that I experimented with and tried out.  Above:
Now Super Cortisol Support-$14.99  Can't say I noticed anything special about this one.
Now L-Tyrosine-$15.99  This is an amino acid for mental alertness and anxiety.  I am not rushing out for it.
Super Collagen-$16.95  Love this stuff.
Dymatize L-Carnatine-$17.10  Another amino acid to support energy.  I try to take this often.
Glucosomine-$7.99  For joint health I take this everyday.
Amazing Nutrition B Complex-$14.99  I like taking a B vitamin for energy and overall health.
L-lysine-$6.72  Another amino for Immune support, reduce anxiety
Total:  $94.73

My price decreased a bit since last time I ordered.
Advocare O2 Gold (3 of them)-$23.37  This one is my must have product.  Oxygen support for increased energy during workouts.
Advocare Spark Limeade-$31.17  Another one of my must haves.
Advocare Probiotic-$20.37  I buy this one every now and again.
Advocare Catalyst-$18.90  Also another one I buy here and there.  It's amino acids in pill form.
Total:  $140.55
Up and Up Face Wash-$4 Like this one a lot
Dr. Jart BB Cream-$4 sample size, loved this enough to get a full size.
Peter Thomas Roth 24k Gold Face Mask-  $15 (came in a special edition sampler pack of 5) Loved this!
Total:  $23
3 Mango Temptations-$15 ($5 each)  Of course these are my must have lotions.
Brazilian Bum Bum Cream-$20.  Eh, it smelled good.  Overrated.
Total:  $35
Suave Keratin shampoo and conditioner-$4 ($2 each)
Suave dry shampoo-$3 fave dry shampoo
Total:  $7
More Mango Temptations-$20 ($5 each)
2 soaps from Bath and Body-Vanilla Bean Noel and Lemon Meringue $6 ($3 each)
Berry Vanilla Bath and Body candle-$10 This reminded me of a lollipop I used to eat as a kid.  I liked it.
Total:  $16
TreSemme Hair Heat Protector-$4  I liked this stuff and the spray on.  I would buy it again.
Garnier Moisturizing Gel-$7  My must have moisturizer
Aquafresh toothpaste $2  I'm not picky about toothpaste
R&F eye cream-I got this as a free sample.  I think it is pretty pricey full size.  I liked it.  I am really loving the Lash Boost I actually purchased!
Equate Oil Free Eye Make-Up Remover-$4  My typical purchase, will buy again
Total:  $17
Old Spice deodorant-$2 I am just throwing this one away because I didn't like it.  I have since found my must have deodorant with a Dove Spray.
Color Pop Swan Eye Shadow-$4  Love this color.  Already almost done with another one.
Maybelline Master Concealer-$6ish  This stuff was pretty good.  I would buy it again.
Rimmel Stay Matte Powder-$3.97  Super cheap powder, loved it, would buy again.
Total:  $16
Super Collagen-$16.95  again, a must have.
Equate Ibuprofen-$2  I always have this on hand.
Raspberry Ketones-$14.95  I used this when I was doing more keto eating.  I don't think it is necessary if you are eating keto anyways.
CLA-10.59  Supposedly helps maintain muscle mass while losing body fat.  I didn't notice.
Now Zinc-$8  Immune Support
Tylenol PM-$5  Typically I buy Advil PM, not sure what made me get Tylenol!
Total:  $57.49
Another Advocare group plus one:
Advocare O2 Gold-$23.37 x2
Spark Limeade-S31.17
Thermoplus-$19.17  A metabolism enhancer...not something I have on hand often
Optimum Nutrition L-Carnatine-$18.95
Total: $134.93

Overall total:  561.70  Although it is a few month's worth I think it is safe to say I like my supplements.

2/11/17 $416.72
07/09/17:  $581.70
Total 2017 YTD:  $998.42

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Inner Runner

Last night I finished up this book.  I thought the second half was better than the first.  Overall, the book is really good but the last bit of it really made it a page turner for me.  Mostly because the author started speaking my language and I could really relate to what he said about running.  The book is meant to explain the power and beauty in the simple act of running and tells numerous stories throughout it.  It validated a lot of things that I had been thinking about lately.  

I thought this page was great.  A lot of times you hear people call runners crazy because why would we want to go run for fun?  So I had to laugh when I came across this that said "There are some people-let's call them crazy-who don't like to run.  I know for you and me, it's hard to believe but they are out there."

I'm going to bullet point some of my favorite lines out of this book that I found to be completely true...and sums up running in an awesome way.  I think you really can relate this to just about any sport, not just running.

*"No matter what level of runner you are, devoting yourself to the journey of becoming a better runner strips you of the unnecessary baggage you clutter your life with.  There's no time for reality tv when you're on a mission.  The journey forces you to shut up, stop complaining, and stop making excuses for why you can't do it."

*"Committing to running creates a habit, not only of running, but of all the traits that it takes to be successful in all areas of your life, including discipline, devotion, and attitude."

*"Life is full of distractions that divert our attention away from what we're doing and what we want to accomplish....too much time is wasted performing tasks that don't lead to results.  Recognize the distractions in your life, what is urgent versus what is important, and work on limiting the distractions, so you can accomplish what you want."

*"One of the things running has taught me is that we have control over some things, but not all things.  We have control over how many miles we run.  We have control over our training to become better runners.  But we don't have control over many illnesses or injuries that take running away from us.  Part of being a runner is the ability to let go of the things you can't control and focus on the things you can."

*"Running is a chance to try.  To make an effort.  Whether it's to try to run longer, faster, easier, or smarter, there's an opportunity for every type of runner to try, from the beginner to the Olympian.  If you want to become a better runner, you need to get out of your comfort zone, physically and emotionally, and make an effort you have not made before.  There are consequences to our efforts.  If we try harder, we succeed more.  And success breeds motivation to try harder to succeed more."

*"We don't run for the t-shirt or the medal or to lose the five pounds around our waistline.  Not really, anyway.  Despite how shiny your marathon medal looks at it dangles from its post on your wall, the intrinsic rewards of running will always far outweigh the extrinsic ones.  Sure, we all like shiny medals.  But when the motivation and reason and discipline and desire to run and to be a better runner comes from inside of you, you have a much greater chance of success."

*"When it is you that drives you, the process and the effort mean so much more."

*"Runners do something very unique-we seek out discomfort.  Yet we get nervous and anxious about it.  We learn about ourselves when we're uncomfortable.  We are asked in no uncertain terms "What are you going to do right now?"  Few other times in our lives are we asked such a decisive question at such a decisive moment.  It's very revealing."

*"Running gives us the opportunity to seek out discomfort so that we may learn to deal with it, rise above it, and become hopeful about our future.  And that's very much like life."

*"Runners have an obsession with running that rivals most other obsessions, perhaps because runners truly believe that they are running toward who they want to be."

There are many more great parts of this book but those are some of my favorites.  This book was a great read on how running creates life lessons.  I'm sure runners and other athletes can completely relate to most of this book.  For non-runners this book helps explain why we are "crazy" and run for fun.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

This weekend so far

So a few random things from this weekend.  These flowers...before they bloomed I honestly thought they were weeds.  I almost cut them down but I'm glad I didn't.  They are looking pretty!

So my flowers are looking better than ever!
I got super motivated to hand wash my car this weekend.  It took a long time but definitely I was able to get it way more clean and pretty than I can at any other car wash.  I'm pretty happy with it and it was a good way to get outside.

Just a friendly not buy Talenti gelato.  Trust me.  It's a bad thing to have in your house.  If I included it before in a favorite that is still correct.  However, I am warning you to not even try it.
I have been getting crazy at the gym and attempting swimming.  I bought a ridiculous overpriced swimsuit and have been enjoying going to the pool and hot tub a few times a week.  Today's purchase....the goggles.  We will see how this goes.

I have a few books I want to try to get into reading this weekend.  We will see if that happens or if I veg out in front of a movie.  Lots on my mind lately.  Ready to do clear my head!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Jay Dix 5k and same recent faves

Last weekend was the Jay Dix 5k.  We had a great morning for it.  The weather was beautiful and great temps.  This is always my favorite 5k.  It is the one that got me started running way back in 2009.  The course is perfect and I always enjoy running it with Glenda and Julie.  

Next up is the Go Girl 5k on June 3rd.  It could be a hot day for it but that one is a lot of fun too.
A few recent food finds....I've always been a fan of Halo Top ice cream but it is pricey.  I recently found Enlightened at Gerbes and it is a lot cheaper.  It was 2.99 and buy one get one free.  I actually think it tastes better than Halo Top too!  The peanut butter chocolate chip and cookie dough are probably my favorite out of the flavors I tried.
These Sea Salt and Lime rice crisps...yum!  I will be buying more.  They are like the perfect snack to replace chips.
I discovered this hot sauce from Trader Joe's.  I just bought two more bottles yesterday.  If you like hot and spicy I highly recommend.

I completed my first week of working with my running coach this week.  I felt great at the start of the week but got a bit drained towards the end.  I ran around 13 miles this week and walked about 18.  Looking forward to improving with his program.