
Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 Favorites

Last year I did a "Best in Beauty" for the year.  This year I thought I'd just do an all around favorites that would include beauty, food/supplements, and other misc. items.  These are items I either use daily or almost daily and/or repurchase constantly.  

A lot of these shouldn't be a shocker.  They've almost all been in monthly favorites before.

Victoria's Secret Mango Temptation lotion.  The kid saved the day yesterday!  I haven't been able to re-stock this because it appeared to be discontinued.  She found it at the semi-annual sale and called me asking how many to pick up.  Let's just say the bag broke on her when she took it out of her car.  I was SO excited to get my hands on it.

A close runner up is Bath and Body Works Vanilla Bean Noel.  I like using this one at night.

My must have dry shampoo is the Suave dry shampoo.  Not only smells good but is also budget friendly!
My Advocare supplements are, of course, always on hand.  Advocare reformulated the Cherry Spark and it is MUCH better now.  It tastes like cherry Kool-Aid.  It's a nice change up from my usual Fruit Punch but I think Limeade may be my new favorite flavor ever.  When I repurchase the Limeade I may try mixing it with Cherry and see what happens.

O2 Gold for the win to help me with breathing and running.

These Petite Sweet Potatoes from Wal-Mart are the perfect size as a side for dinner and less than $3 for the bag with around seven potatoes in it.  I buy it almost every Wal-Mart trip.
Skin care products are up next.  The Clinique Repair Wear Serum is one I still love.  I bought one with the Sephora VIB sale discount and also received one for Christmas.  I was waiting impatiently for that VIB sale to come around in order to not pay full price!

The Peter Thomas Roth 24k face mask is awesome!  I use it every weekend.  It makes my skin feel nice and firm.  Hopefully it is doing its anti-aging thing it claims.

My must have lip balm this year is the cute little Vaseline lip balm.  It's $1.99 and when I put it on before bed I still have it on in the morning.

I am never without the Beauty Blender.  I have tried a few different versions of it and still the original pink one is the best.  It is the best makeup sponge I have used.  I try to clean it every other use to keep it in good shape.
My make up essentials that I have used every day include:

Color Pop Swan eyeshadow.  This one is my back up because the one I currently am using is almost gone.  It is a bright, sparkly white which sounds like it would be hard to wear but I when I add the cranberry color from the Make-Up For Ever palette above (Second row, second from left shadow) it helps deepen the color and the white shadow really brightens up the eyes.  I am currently obsessed with this combo.

I can't be without the Stila Stay All Day Liquid Liner in black.  When I did run out I used the brown for a bit (I may have known I'd get the black for Christmas) and the brown was just not the same.

The Revlon Star Wars mascara, even though it was a promotional mascara for the movie last year, has been awesome!  It is waterproof so I always wear it when I go for runs and I've been wearing it daily because I just like it.  At first I wasn't sure about it but it grew on me.

My favorite blush has been Nars Sin.  I love all my blushes, especially Nars.  But I just really love blush.

The Rimmel face powder, which is very much almost gone, has been awesome for setting my make up.  I will most definitely buy this one again because it is $2-3.  Love this stuff!

This year I discovered Orange La Croix water.  It was one of those things I wasn't sure I liked at first but now I love this stuff!  Since I don't want to buy soda but sometimes want something carbonated this is a good option.
One of the best things I did this year was get an alarm system.  I sleep much better and worry much less in general (at least about my home) with this.  It was definitely worth it.  I haven't regretted this at all.

Another favorite has been the Overdrive app.  I use my local library card to download audio books to the Overdrive app.  I listen to them in the car, when I clean the house, when I walk the dog...whenever I can.  I love this app and I love not listening to the radio anymore and getting to "read" more books this way.

Oh, and my workout room...getting that set up and finished is definitely a favorite!  I've been at the gym consistently but having the option to workout at home on days I don't go to the gym is awesome!

Those are my top favorites of the year!  Reaching most of my goals is also a favorite...but more on that in the next post!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Trash Talk-Final edition of 2016 (I think)

What a cold, bitter, wintery weekend here.  Friday was a horrible drive home on sheets of pure ice.  I honestly was pretty scared that whole drive home.  I made the choice to take a curvy, hilly road home vs. the highway and I think I made the right one.  It was less traffic but those hills and curves had me really talking to my car and asking it to work with me and help me out does not do well on ice.  When I made it onto my street I was so, so grateful to be home.  I haven't left my house since then.  So I haven't gotten my much needed to-do list done this weekend however, it has been a great weekend to binge watch some Netflix.  (Dark of the only sci-fi shows I can say I truly enjoy.  If you like it.)  I am getting ready to go upstairs and workout a bit before I binge watch more.  I'm grateful I have my home workout room for days like today when I don't want to attempt to get to the gym.

Sadly, a dear friend of mine had a horrible thing happen to her this weekend and it is a reminder how quickly life can change and be taken from you in an instant.  One of the most positive people I know and I'm so sad for her and her family.  Don't forget to enjoy life, think positive and don't let little things ruin your day.  This was a big reminder of those things for me.  Take care of yourself as best you can but enjoy the pizza and eat the ice cream.  Don't take little things for granted.  It can all change in an instant and I'm heartbroken for their family.  Then I watched a video of the I-95 Maryland traffic pileup and tanker explosion...terrifying and overwhelming just how much can happen in an instant.  One of my goals for this year was to be more present.  One of my goals for the coming year is to not only be more present, but to be more positive and grateful.  Such a tragic weekend for so many out there this weekend.

Today I'm trying to not dwell on things.  I'm sure tomorrow will be a somber day at work.  So in an effort for normalcy today...a final edition of trash talk for the year.

I've had several empties piling up.  I'm happy to finally use up several products.
Sometimes I'm sad to finish my favorite candles when I don't have more.  Cider Lane and Cinnamon Sugar Donut ($10 each after discounts) are two of the best from Bath and Body Works!  I don't think I bought a single hand soap this year and I still have some to use up.  This one is Crisp Golden Pear and I liked it for the kitchen.  ($3)  My usual favorite Purex Crystals...I need to restock these.  ($4)

Total:  $27
I finished another one of my favorite dry shampoos, the Suave brand ($3) and am on to another bottle.  The Tea Tree Face Wash was awesome and lasted forever.  ($14)  Well, since April.  My previous bottle was done in April so this lasted me eight months.  If I ever get to Ulta I'll probably get another one but I think I have stepped foot in Ulta maybe once this year.  They definitely didn't get much of my money.  I don't think I even renewed my Platinum membership.  Sephora on the other hand...I'm VIB Rouge again.  Although most of that is thanks to the kid.  She probably spent more money there this year than I did.  Lastly is my favorite moisturizer, Garnier Gel ($7).  Definitely already on another replacement of these.

Total:  $24
These are both must haves.  Collagen from Amazon (around $15) and my O2 Gold from Advocare.  ($31.16)

Total:  $46.16
It has been awhile since I did my empties so I had some I had previously tossed but taken photos of.  So...another Garnier gel cream!  ($7)  Nivea lip butter ($3) I typically have these in almost every room of my house and one in my purse.  The Beauty Blender solid cleanser is a must have for me.  I got it in a package deal with a Beauty Blender at Christmas for $25 for both. By itself it goes for $16.  The eyeliners you see include my must have Stila Stay All Day Liquid liner ($25).  The others are old and just useless.  They are dried up and crumbly so I just tossed them.  I probably have more like that I need to toss.  I had used up most of them though.  Maybe a total of $25ish for the ones I tossed from just being old?

Total:  $76
Here I went through 2 of my Mango Temptations.  Sigh.  ($5 each)  Victoria's Secret has let me down by not selling this.  Last time I was there I gave the cashier the third degree on when/if it was coming back.  Poor girl had no idea.  I told her I would buy 100 of them if she found any in the back.  It is seriously my must have signature scent.  People stop me and ask about it and I don't even care if others like is the only lotion I am obsessed with.  If it comes back in stock, I will no doubt give new meaning to the term "stock up."

I used an Arm and Hammer deodorant that is about $2 from Wal-Mart.  I'm over spending $8 on deodorant when cheap stuff works just fine.  I FINALLY used up a refill of old Bath and Body works soap in Crisp Apple or something Appleish.  I've had this bottle for years.  Don't quite remember the price but I'll call it $5 because I would've used a coupon for sure. Smells just fine and I put it into prettier bottles in my bathroom.  The St. Ives lotion was a freebie from my Hotter than Hell 5k.  I use it at night so I don't use my Mango Temptation stash.  It is probably $3 in stores.  The Dove bath cream is also a freebie and probably $3 in stores also estimating low.

Total:  $23
Yet another bottle of the Collagen.  ($15)  My nails are all shorter right now, I guess due to the dry weather.  But I will continue to take this miracle grow for nails.  Another O2 Gold.  ($31.16)  I think I've said it before, maybe it is a placebo but I swear I breathe SO much better with this stuff.  I recently was talking to an Advocare distributor at a race and she said "You do take O2 Gold right?  You have to if you are a runner."  I told her it is a must have for me and I don't go without it.  If I hadn't already discovered Advocare on my own she would've had a new customer.  Other Advocare items...Catalyst which is an Amino Acid supplement that I'm adding to my routine.  I do notice a difference with this when I combine it with eating right and exercise.  ($22) I feel like my body responds more quickly to my workouts.  Amino acids are great for maintaining muscle and recovering quickly.  (maybe I'll give this topic its own post later)  And my other must have is Spark.  This one is Limeade ($38.97)  Spoiler alert...Limeade Spark for the 2016 best of edition coming soon.  I'm hooked on this flavor.  *Sidenote-all my Advocare prices are discounted because I'm up to a certain discount level.  Because I'm obsessed.  I have been very budget conscious this year but one thing I will continue to spend on is Advocare.  My discount level helps me with that though.  My co-workers and I all joke about my Spark addiction.  (Several of them use it too)  But I'm the most obsessed.
Total here:  $107.13

Trash total 12/18/16 $303.29
Trash total 7/31/16 $146.22
Trash total 6/26/16 $171.92
Trash total 5/22/16 $366.77
Trash total 4/10/16 $169.93
Trash total 3/14/16 $180.62
Trash total 2/7/16 $311.07
Trash total 2/17/16 $251.02
Grand trash total YTD 2016:  $1,900.84

I didn't have all these products at the start of the year...some of them I had bought and used throughout the year (namely supplements) but I am happy to say I'm using up my what I buy.

While I didn't use up all the products on my "use it up" list...I made a significant dent in my product stash and am pretty proud of myself for not just collecting more on top of what I have.  I made a real effort not to buy more things I did not need.

I would be interested to look back at all my "Trash Talk" posts and see the categories but I would venture to guess my most pricey categories are supplements.  I watched a YouTube video yesterday on "save vs. splurge" and the girl discussed what she saves money on vs. splurges on.  May be another good topic to post.  Although maybe mine would be "things I actually spend money on period."  Or "what I used to spend money on and now kick myself for."  Yeah...that last one I think is a good one!

I plan on a 2016 Best of/Faves post next.  If you have followed the Trash Talk you probably already know a few of them!  Also want to do a 2016 goals recap and a 2017 goals list.  So several posts to come in the next week or two.  Stay tuned.  And stay warm!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Holiday Fun

This weekend has been filled with holiday fun.  Last night was our ugly sweater get together at Billiards.  Our group knows how to break out some ugly sweaters!  

We had a great time laughing and catching up.
Glenda and I started our morning off yesterday with a chilly Jingle Bell Run.  We both saw significant improvements from last year.  Although we still hate that course.  Glenda took home a 3rd place medal!  I'll talk a little more about our running improvements in my 2016 goals recap.
I saw this on IG and it made me laugh.  :)  So true.  

I have several posts planned but have a ton on my to-do list today so keeping this one short.  Luckily I'm not doing anything today that involves holiday shopping and crowds!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

My Year of Running Dangerously

I have recently gotten hooked on audio books.  I cancelled my Sirius radio and have started listening to audio books via the Overdrive app in my car.  With my local library card they are free and most books I would like to check out are available.  If they aren't on Overdrive they are likely on the Hoopla app which are also free with the library card.

I just finished listening to My Year of Running Dangerously and had to share how great of a book it is.  Even for non-runners it is a great read.  I actually especially liked it on audio book because it is narrated by the author.  He really puts his tone and voice fluctuations into it and draws you in.  I laughed out loud from the very beginning.

The author is a CNN correspondent pushing 51 years old who gets roped into running a marathon with his daughter and soon signs up for an ultra race.  He talks a little about the history of marathons, the struggles of balancing a full time, demanding career with both family and running, and the physical pains and mental games of the sport itself.

The author throws in some great wisdom within his humorous words with things like "What is inevitable is ideal" and "As people get older, life becomes all about playing it safe.  We protect our jobs and our money.  We guard our house and we try to make the world as risk free as we can for our kids because that is important. But along the way you can lose yourself. You start thinking that the great adventures are all gone and that you've reached all the when I started this it felt like something woke up in side me.  I stopped getting through my days and I started getting into them."

I've always said I love the running community.  Most of the time if you are running on the trail and another runner passes you coming the other direction you always give a wave, a nod, or a "good morning."  Simply because you are both running you have this instant connection.  The author reinforces the truth of this during his ultra run when he says "For such a lonely sport, it is odd how united runners can feel when circumstance and the relentless challenge of big miles put them in the same place at the same time.  There is a profound sense of teamwork."

These were just a few of my favorite quotes of the book.  It is a great book, funny, emotional, motivating, and honest.  I highly recommend it!