Today was my 2nd year running the Hotter than Hell 5k. Let's just talk about the fact that Wednesday and Thursday this week were what, like 70 degrees? Something ridiculous for July but also perfect for running. Not today though. No, today had to live up to the name.
The dog woke me up at 5am. I let him outside and got a giant smack in the face by the humidity. After laying around about an hour I got up and got ready and ate my trusty Cream of Wheat. I had to drive about 35 minutes out of town to get to this 5k. My morning water was hitting me and I really needed to stop at a restroom on my way...luckily I found a Burger King right before my turn. This stop, I later realized, was very important.
To sum it up:
-Pull into parking lot to see cute fireman #1 directing traffic
-Get further directions from cute fireman #2
-Am slightly confused on where to park so I naturally park in the most awkward place where I probably wasn't supposed to and sit and wait to see what the next car coming in does. She parks pretty close to me. So I get out and start walking...enter cute fireman #3. I ask him if I should park there and he tells me not really but it's ok for me. Well, it's ok for the 3 of us that had already parked there...although it's a nice thought that it was just ok for me.
-Get race packet, stand/sit around for 30 minutes waiting for the run to start.
-Walk over to race start where we are going to be escorted by a firetruck for a bit. It seems nobody wants to be at the front of the starting line. So there I am, right at the front...thinking I typically would hover in front/middle myself but I'm gonna own that starting line. The race announcer guy tells us the route and tells the 10k runners that they will be doing the course twice. I immediately am thankful I am only doing the 5k.
-Race starts-I go hard out of the gate but all those shy people in the back were sandbagging and I was quickly passed by several speed racers. That's ok by me...I was ready to find my pace.
-Less than a mile into it and I'm thinking "holy hell why did I think this would be fun to do again?"
-Out out, in. Out out, in. Out out, in. Just focusing on breathing steady like that. With intermittent thoughts of "are my legs going to stop working? I really think they may actually stop working." and "Where the hell is the water stop?!"
-Finally I see the water stop which is the halfway point. I drink half my cup and pour the rest on my shoulders in the most unsexy fashion.
-Here is when I realize I could probably stand to pee again. Thank goodness I stopped at Burger King because I'm not sure I could've made it.
-Spot two firemen in a golf cart with a water hose. One of them gives me the thumbs up as a question of if I want to be hosed down. Um. Yes. I thumbs up back followed by a "yes, please and thank you." That was awesome and evaporated off my skin in about 15 seconds.
-Think to myself that if someone did have to pee at least they could get hosed down and disguise it that way. Again, grateful I stopped at BK.
-Start noticing the tenth of a mile markers written on the trail and start getting irrationally angry with those things that are reminding me how long it's taking me to run a tenth of a mile.
-See the guys coming back around to run the loop again for the 10k and think about how crazy they are. Also think how fast they are. And how I'm glad I'm not going to be doing that.
-Out, out in. Out, out in. Out, out in. I am so hot that I am actually chilled. I don't think that's good. Doesn't seem good.
-"Good thing there are Firefighters everywhere because I think I may actually need to be rescued."
-Finally the end is in sight. Cute fireman #1 asks me if I'm doing the 10 or the 5k to direct me which direction. Buddy, even if I had signed up for the 10k I would say 5. Point me to that finish line.
-This here...this is the finish line. Brilliant. Running under a stream of water to finish with a crowd of firemen cheering you on. I sprinted in to the finish and as I got hit with that water I thought this could either turn out real cute or real not cute. One of those "what I think I look like running through a stream of water to the finish line" vs. "what I actually look like running through a stream of water to the finish line." Lately I've been striving for a finish time under 30 minutes, but I was pleased with 31:34 given the fact that I thought at one point I may need to be rescued and treated for heat stroke.

I grabbed a bottle of water and wanted to wait for the awards ceremony. I figured I had a good chance at placing given the size of the race. We had to wait for the 10k group to finish. Then they had some issues with calculating the results. I finished a little after 9:30 and we finally did the awards ceremony at 11:30. In those 2 hours I enjoyed watching some children play games and just people watched. I was a little bummed to see we hadn't received a Unilever product in our race packet like we did last year. But during my 2 hours of observing, I spotted them playing a ring toss game with a bunch of products. I wanted one but didn't want to move.
-During this time I thought I noticed one of the cute firemen glancing my way often. Then some of his buddies would talk to him and glance my way. Then when I saw him talk to the firehouse dog (pictured above) and thought to myself "is the dog looking at me now? That dog is looking right at me" then I realized I may just be delirious from sun exposure.
-A bottle of water, a bottle of Gatorade, and 2 hours later again I am grateful I thought to stop at Burger King before I arrived.
-As the awards ceremony started one of the guys directing the product game said "I've seen you sitting over there, go ahead and grab one." He let people who hadn't gotten a product scoop up the remaining. So I grabbed some body wash and said thank you. Little did I know, when they gave me my 2nd place prize I was about to score a lot more products! They included a coupon for a free Firehouse sub. Also found that a packet of Biofreeze was in our race bag. That is now on my neck. I love that stuff.

I learned my lesson last year and got the correct sized t-shirt. It's super comfy. I still wear the one from last year all the time even though it's too big. My 2 hours got me some good sun time in. I really didn't mind waiting around with all there was to look at but I think the firefighters directing the race were a little stressed about it. They really make it a fun, family oriented race. Even though it's a hot one, it is worth it. The firemen are all super nice. Had I not been somewhat afraid I may vomit if I stood up I would've walked around and maybe talked to them more. But seriously, the idea of standing up did not even occur to me. This one just took it out of me! The next run is the Diva Dash in August and that one should be a great time too!