
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The smart formula for success

You guys, this is the second time this week I have actually cooked food.  Two times!  Making anything other than eggs and turkey bacon or picking up Hyvee Chinese is very rare for me.  Not only that, but both things I made were good!

Tonight I made turkey sloppy joe' you can see from the dent I made I enjoyed it.  A whopping 48 grams of protein which is awesome for my daily goals.  
I finally get a chance to sit down tonight and my iPad tells me this message above.  I'm over technology today.  So over it.  And what the heck I thought Apple never crashed?  Prior to this crash error popping up on my iPad tonight I had already had a visit to the T-Mobile store, a visit to the cell phone repair store, and 2 phone calls to T-Mobile all regarding my cell phone.   After all this I am now expecting a new cell phone in my mailbox next week to replace my current one which happens to be driving me insane.  It was still under warranty so that was good.  After all the visits and phone calls about my cell I  then rushed back home to meet the plumber who proceeded to fix my two toilets.  He was nice and the price was reasonable. And when he went out to the garage to shut off the main water he came back in complimenting my car.  Yes, I like you even more now Mr. Plumber. I do always feel awkward with people in your home working.  Like what do I do, what do I say, where do I stand.  Sorry you have to fix my toilet, I'll just be over here on my laptop IM'ing people about how awkward it is not knowing what to do, what to say or where to stand.  Oh and can you hurry up and finish because I have to pee? 

Magnus once again demonstrated his hearing ability by ignoring Jasmine's howls when the plumber arrived.  I warned the guy that when he walked to my bathroom through my bedroom he'd see a rather large dog on a pillow but that dog just didn't realize he was in the house yet.  Sure enough when the guy walked into the room Magnus found his way off his pillow and gave a few good barks.  Too little too late Mags.  No fooling the man now.  Ironically enough, as far as acting all guard dog like, earlier in the day he scared the daylights out of the FedEx man.  I had set up my laptop in my scrapbook room and moved the gate so the dogs could join me.  I found myself with a little dog in my lap and Magnus checking out what was happening in the neighborhood through the windows by the door.  Then I saw the truck pull up.  Magnus may not be able to hear but he can still see and he spotted the guy walking up right away.  He started the "if you get any closer to this house I will eat your face off" barks and I saw through the window the FedEx man place the package on the ground and slide it towards the door with his foot then with a long reach of an arm rang the doorbell.  No need to ring the doorbell...a dog kind of gave you away.  Also, there is still a door between you and the barking dog so you are probably safe to approach.  With as much of a big baby the dog is, a 12 year old one with arthritis at that, many people that are even aware of those facts are still scared of him.  I like to think he sticks around to help protect the house with his barking.  The little dog's howls just aren't quite as ferocious. 

I also managed to run to the dermatologist today to have a mole checked out.  It had suddenly turned a lot darker over the weekend.  So much so that I removed a shirt and freaked out thinking I had a tick.  For real this time.  (remember my fear of ticks?)  This thing was dark and was never there before and HAD to be a tick . So when I finally realized it was a mole that was concerning.  But no worries, the dermatologist gave me some explanation about how it was some broken blood vessels or something and may turn darker and fall off.  That sounds good to me.  Then he offered to speed up the process...which I thought about taking him up on...until he finished that sentence with "with an electric needle."  Huh?  Can't you just scrape it off like you have done with other moles?  I told him I'd think about it but not today.  I may have it removed pre-Hawaii but I think I'll try to sweet talk him out of the electric needle.  Unless I'm ever getting another tattoo, which I am 99.9% sure won't happen, there should be no electric needles anywhere near me.  Pssh, electric needle.  Terrible idea. 

I was running behind and was late getting around to the gym tonight.  I thought about not going but went anyway.  I went about an hour later than normal and actually enjoyed that it seemed quieter.  I was glad I made time to go even though I wanted to let myself talk myself out of it.  Staying on my routine is important to me and makes me feel good. 

Between all this playing adult stuff, getting some work done, and heading to the gym tonight I'm exhausted.  So when I sit down with my iPad and get a crash message...well it's just a good thing I'm too tired to throw it out the window and go run over it like I was tempted to do with my phone earlier. 

Oh and I almost forgot another part of the day today!  It is a good thing that I almost forgot because if I remembered that would mean I still have a headache.  My insurance recently denied me my usual migraine meds.  So my dr. gave me Imitrex instead.  I wasn't thrilled, but to be honest my typical medication hadn't been doing the usual good job for me lately.  I had tried Imitrex in the past and just remember it making me feel awful.  Today, since I had so much to accomplish, there was zero time for a headache.  During my trip to the dermatologist I grabbed a drink and went to take an Imitrex and struggled so much to get the damn thing out of the package that I broke it in half.  I gave up until I got home and could open it with scissors.  It felt like it was the brightest day of the year outside.  So by the time I got home I was ready to just hit the bed.  But no time for that.  I took a pill and did some work and waited for the plumber.  About 15 minutes later it hit me that my headache was gone.  And I didn't feel crappy from the pills!  Imitrex may be just what I needed after all.     

It hit me last night that some of my best ideas come to me right as I'm falling asleep.  Some of them are lost by the morning.  I'm finding you really have to make time to make the dreams happen.  Days like today that is hard to do.  I am excited though about some things I'm working on and the possibilities that lie in the unknowns of the future.  I saw a quote on Twitter the other night from Matt Hussey, one of my fave guys, that said "Forget 'right place, right time.'  Smart formula for success=doing the right things, the right number of times."  I love that...and when I do start to get tired after days like today, I remember success is all about consistency.

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