So a few random things from this weekend. These flowers...before they bloomed I honestly thought they were weeds. I almost cut them down but I'm glad I didn't. They are looking pretty!
So my flowers are looking better than ever!
I got super motivated to hand wash my car this weekend. It took a long time but definitely I was able to get it way more clean and pretty than I can at any other car wash. I'm pretty happy with it and it was a good way to get outside.
Just a friendly not buy Talenti gelato. Trust me. It's a bad thing to have in your house. If I included it before in a favorite that is still correct. However, I am warning you to not even try it.
I have been getting crazy at the gym and attempting swimming. I bought a ridiculous overpriced swimsuit and have been enjoying going to the pool and hot tub a few times a week. Today's purchase....the goggles. We will see how this goes.
I have a few books I want to try to get into reading this weekend. We will see if that happens or if I veg out in front of a movie. Lots on my mind lately. Ready to do clear my head!