So last night I let myself have my little pity party about the work issue I had. Basically I lost 6 hours worth of work. Then I told myself get over it. After dreaming about Excel all night, I woke up at 4:30 am and told myself I'm going to make some damn good lemonade out of this one. Yesterday I had lost 50 files that had taken me all day to do. Today I had that many and more done by 10:00am. A little determination and focus and I was back in the game.
I came home to a sample pack of flavored peanut and almond butters in the mail. I'm looking forward to trying them soon!
So basically what I thought about my week-when life gives you lemons, don't just make lemonade. Build a kick-ass lemonade stand, focus and work hard and watch what opportunities come your way.
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