
Saturday, November 28, 2015

The bright side?

Well in the year and a half I have owned my new car I have chipped my windshield with a rock and now driven over some sort of nail like thing.  Both which I never did in my Pontiac. However, in my Pontiac I had a huge door ding and had been hit head on (luckily at low speed) so I will take the chip and nail. When my system warning came on last night saying my tire pressure was low I assumed it was the change in temps and said to myself they will check it at my oil change which I need. Then I pulled into my garage to hear my tire hissing like a snake. Well that's not good. I figured I was doomed by morning but on the bright side my insurance covers roadside assist and the fee for a tire change. When I woke up to see my tire was indeed flat I thought "bright side is I am in my garage and not by the side of the road." I have been procrastinating on an oil change so another plus was this got me into the shop to get my oil change along with a tire patch today. And you know what the bright side is of all this happening Thanksgiving weekend? Everyone is shopping and I am the only person at Ford where I typically have to wait 2 hours for an oil change. I would say considering a flat tire is a bummer overall, the timing was perfect. If I have to have an annoying flat tire, I can at least find several silver linings in it. Ironic I guess since there is literally a piece of silver metal in it.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog. My wife and I had a similar thing happen to us during a vacation trip to Mexico. 200 miles into our trip we got a flat so we pulled over to inspect the tyre. It was indeed flat but we also noticed an oil leak. Pure luck because I would have never remembered to put in oil, lucky!

    Abraham Yates @ Apache Oil Company
