
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Some new home decor and a spending freeze

The other night I got the urge to go to Michaels.  I love Valentines Day decorations and wanted to see what they had.  Well, I found much more than that there.  I am into the rustic, farmhouse style right now and Michaels had all sorts of cool stuff.  So thought I would share some of the new stuff I found.
First, I found this cool jar and decided to use it to store soap in the bathroom.  A simple thing that adds a nice touch.  
I took several of these old Bath and Body Works candle jars and painted them with some chalk paint that you can find at Michaels. 
The finished product holds some markers and paint brushes.  
Another Michaels find. 
Along with Michaels I hit up Target.  Target has upped their game in the Dollar Spot.  I had found this bowl there previously but picked up these twine rolls for a dollar each to throw in the bowl. 
I picked up a Mason jar for .99 cents and filled it with sweethearts for a cute kitchen decoration that also tastes good! 
I spotted this cute item and Michaels had only one left.  The kid saw it and loved it for her soon to be apartment.  So she bought it and until she moves she is letting me admire it in my kitchen.  
I had a few extra flowers to throw in it.  
On the left side is a smaller version of the jar I used for soap in the bathroom.  Not sure what I will do with this one yet. 
On the right is this milk bottle from Michaels.  I have had this for a long time and filled it with paper straws from the Dollar Spot. 
This was my current pantry artwork...
which I moved to the back door area to replace this small frame...
And hung up this new mirror from Michaels by the pantry instead.  Love the look of it! We won't discuss my skill with hanging things.  

These chalkboard embellishments were on clearance at Michaels for $1.99.
I used them to add labels to my white baskets.  

I found this wooden sign at Michaels as well as the heart for 40% off.  I knew I needed them.  I love how they look with the new flooring.  

Close up of the chalkboard label.
I had this jar and decided to display some decorative knobs I had purchased for a project.  
Found this container at the Dollar Spot and am using this one to store washi tape. 
So...I got great deals on everything I bought!  However, I am putting myself on a spending freeze!  In an effort to truly use what I have, including groceries, I am planning a spending freeze for 2 weeks.  I think the longest I have gone is three days so this will be a challenge for sure.  But I like a challenge!  There are a few things that will be allowed to purchase: gasoline, toilet paper, and medications.  Those are necessities.  Anything else that constitutes an emergency would count as well, knock on wood.  If I have a gift card for something I am considering that ok too.  I want to eliminate extra trips to the store, going out to eat, and unnecessary expenses for two weeks.  We will see how it goes!  

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