
Monday, January 25, 2016

Why I failed day 1 of the spending freeze...

Pizza Hut and a large Sprite from McDonalds.  That's what I purchased yesterday.  It was well worth it. Here's why...

Yesterday, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try a new class called RPM which is basically a spinning class.  Let's discuss.  

-I show up early to a new facility I haven't been to yet to make sure I figure out where to go and get a bike in the back.  Later I would discover there were 3 of us in the a bike in the back was no problem.  
-The front desk lady points me to the spinning room and also points out the locker rooms.  I find a bike and claim it as mine.
-I proceed to head into the locker room.  The Men's locker room. 
-I catch myself last minute and ask the front desk lady where the ladies locker room is because the only one I can seem to find is the men's.  
-Wait awkwardly in the ladies locker room since I am unfamiliar with this gym at this point.  
-Head to class ten minutes early.  Tell the teacher I am new.  She helps me set up my bike and explains how it all works.  Awesome, ready to go. 
-Notice the girl in front of me has spinning shoes and think how glad I am that she is in front of me and not behind me since this will probably look less than graceful.  
-Class starts "Not so bad."
-Teacher tells us to up the resistance and I think "I think I got a bad bike...doesn't feel like much changed." 
-Ten minutes later after correcting user error I realize my bike works friggin fine.  "What the hell was I thinking." 
-My butt hurts but that is the least of my problems. 
-Track 5 is hill intervals.  Teacher informs us to sit down, stand up, sit, stand, sit, stand.  It was like a Catholic wedding. I was excited to sit until I realized how much harder to was becoming to stand back up. 
-Breathing like a woman in a childbirth class.
-Survived track 5.  Don't mind sprinting during track 6 after that. But glad my feet are strapped in.
-Teacher gives me some pointers on form.  There seems to be a lot to remember.  Feet point down during sprints.  Eyes on the road.  And apparently you are supposed to relax your shoulders and not grip the bar for dear life.  
-I am doing a good job taking big breaths though!  Breathing through the pain.  Like childbirth. 
-Teacher informs us track 7 is a steady hill climb with 7 resistance increases. "Huh? You want me to increase this thing SEVEN times."  Real glad she can't see just how much, or not so much, my resistance is changing. 
-Finally done and cooling down.  That was intense. 
-Walk out of class looking for a mirror because my legs must look like magical displays of quad and hamstring beauty after that.  
-Am exhausted but can see how that workout is addicting. It was 45 minutes well spent and cycling intervals is said to help improve running. 
-Head home and head straight to my bed to collapse onto it.  Kid asks "We still going to tackle decluttering my bathroom?"  "We are not TACKLING anything."
-Proceed to attempt to not vomit for the next six hours.  

So....lesson learned...when I hit up an intense spinning class...I will not want to eat the grilled chicken I already have made up.  Actually, it made me want to throw up just thinking about it.  Since oatmeal and eggs also sounded less than appetizing...I broke down and said Pizza Hut it is.  Sunday success number 1..surviving my first spinning class.  I may have eaten the calories I burned in pizza but success number two...not throwing up. Given those two wins, I felt like the trade off of spending a little cash on pizza was alright.  And I woke up today feeling sore but accomplished.  Ready to try it again.  Just not for a few days. 

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